Thursday, November 02, 2006

The move never ends...

Well to start off with--we made it to Florida in one piece. After a horrid start Saturday--we left around 2 pm (we had problems getting things in our car--and we wanted to leave by 10am). So we started out late, but made good time with taking turns sleeping...we drove straight through. We had planned to get into our apartment Sunday, but the girl that was supposed to come in to do our paperwork didn't get our messages so she never showed. (The office is normally closed there was no one there.) We drove around for a while trying to find some motel that would let us AND our dogs stay...which we finally found. We also called Don's boss to get some tips on where to go/ where not to go. She was really nice and helped us out on what parts to stay away from. She also told Don that since Monday is really a day off of his and I needed him more than she take Monday and get me into our apartment.

Once into our apartment--our land line phone was turned on Friday before...but didn't work. (I know some of you don't know this, but I don't handle stress well. I hate it, can't deal with it, and just melt down.) Well--with no news from the movers, and not knowing a total for delivery I was stressing a ton. They were only to get us all that info no later than Saturday at 10 am. But no one called or returned calls. Then on Tuesday--talked with the moving company I went through (and will NEVER use again) they tried to help as much as possible. Then the call from the driver...he wants to deliver "right now"; I told him no...I don't have the money yet and he would have to wait until after 5 pm (that is when Don was getting home). The driver yells at me about I should already have money for him...that if he has to hold the stuff over night he will charge another $250 on top of the total. He was Yelling at the top of his lungs at I told him that I would call World Moving Services (the company I went through) and have them call him. SO that's what I did. I told them I didn't think it was right that he just right out yells at me. And that for the second time he didn't call 24 hours before to tell us he was coming. So I got to talk to a great Customer Service Supervisor. She was shocked that I never was called before hand to let us set something up, but would make sure that she called the driver and let him know that he would have to wait until my husband got home. When she called me back she said that the driver was going to come between 6:30pm and 7:30 pm. While that would have been fine but they didn't show up until after 9pm. He was VERY rude still (even with Don here). They have treated our stuff like crap. They only thing he is taking claim for is the display cabinet...they broke 2 mirrors in the back of...but everything else he just kept repeating himself "how I not know it wasn't you that did it" I replied to him "because it wasn't that way when you PICKED it UP!". AND he didn't have any claim forms with him...he said "I'm just the driver I don't do claims...that's claims department--I'm just the driver". So yesterday I called the moving company that I went through and told them how the driver acted and said...they were not impressed with him. So they are sending claim forms to me to fill out. I now have tons of work ahead of me with unpacking! Hopefully nothing more is majorly broken!

I want to thank Stephen, Samantha, and my mom for listening to me in melt down. I know I don't handle stress well, but they have listened and gave advice to keep me here.

I really hate this move...I would love to go back to Indiana where I have a life. I know that Don needed this move so he could get back into the business. He is just lucky it's Florida and not Alaska. For that move would have be the beginning of the end of our marriage. It's tested here but there I think it would have been over! (Sorry Don, but that is how I see it.) I miss my friends, family, and the light stress that came in that life! I miss my friend Kelly--she is more then a friend...she is another sister to me. She is my best friend and knows all my darkest parts and yet she hangs with me. Even when I know this move is hard on me...poor Maggie (Kelly's 10 year old Daughter) she is a mess! She loves Don so very much and is just heart broke that he moved. (All I I can say to her is that no matter how far we are--you are in our heart, thoughts, and prayers! I wish we didn't have to move, but Don needed to get back into the funeral business. Indiana didn't show promise for that. We will visit, but you have to visit us also!)

Things are getting better (as Samantha predicted) I got my stuff around me--which means ie: my computer and my TV. I have DVD's until we get Dish. But it's atleast noise that I can have all day. It isn't easy being in this apartment all Day...hopefully that as soon as I get unpacked and settled...I'll be able to take Don to work more so I can get out and get something to fill my days. But until then I'm here! Well--the puppies want to go outside so I'll end here!

Have a great weekend. We will be looking up the church here so it might feel more like home. (Kelly I'm going to make sure we have some Waites', Smiths', people needing teeth!) Love you guys and keep in touch!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Well it sounds like a sucky start but as soon as you get settled it it will feel more like home. It will start to feel better don't worry. Sucks about all of your stuff hopefully they will replace the items.