Thursday, June 14, 2007

My Pictures of my trip

I want to share with you some pictures I took and one that I found. Eternity is Don's niece...and looks a lot like him...poor thing even has his temper and some of his facial expressions! I'm hoping to get more pictures of her from Evie's camera when we find it. But enjoy pictures...some of the pictures are of the house some what as I found it...but none are after we cleaned and packed...sorry I forgot to get those pictures. But I do have a disclaimer for Evie...she works and has been dealing with alot of things so cleaning wasn't her #1 thing...but Sandi just sat around making the mess worse...we found dirty diapers EVERYWHERE. I don't mean to scare you but it's like that show "How Clean is your House". When I got to the house there was just paths through the rooms...we I had to make things work...and once we sold the big pieces things went faster!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Wow!! Looks like you all had your hands full.. I know you are happy to be home!