Friday, October 05, 2007

The Calm Before the Storm...

Whatever calm it is...which isn't much calm is for the large storm just 2 weeks ahead. Yesterday I went to the beauty supply that I love to shop at (one that only sells to licensed people)...they are opening shops down here like gang fire. So last week I applied and when I was in the shop yesterday I talked with the manager about my application. I now have an interview next week (this is the job that I really, really want) for a managers position. I'm totally excited.

So I'm adding to my plate which is rather full. With another interview, packing, I'm doing a facial class with the young women of our ward, and plotting our move...I'm so dang stressed. The move is going to kill me until we really get started. I can't pack many more boxes because there is NO place for them to go. We are already making paths around the house so we still can move. When we take the keys on the 15th we are going to start moving stuff everyday. I have it figured out if we do that everyday Monday thru Friday and then Saturday all that will have to be moved is all the heavy things (couch, beds, dressers...stuff like that). I think we have set up enough help so that I don't have to figure out how I'm going to carry the couch down the stairs here and up the stairs at the new apartment with out making a trip to the ER. Now the movers just have to be called by my husband who has put it off all this week....even with me reminding him that it needs to be done.

So with my life on a time table for the next month or so I'm stressing out because I'm not seeing how it will be done before my trip to Indiana. I know the only thing I don't have to stress out about is the dogs. Evie isn't coming on the trip to Indiana so she will take care of the dogs...and for that I'm truly grateful. They have had their shots but I wasn't looking forward to looking for a boarding place for a week. Tigger is always hateful after being boarded.

I am sad that I have so much to get done in the next little while that I will miss Jeff and Ronna getting married. I talked to Ronna the other day...and she told me that they had just planned this and will be getting married November 3rd. I'm very excited for them, but I'm very selfishly sad for myself (not being able to be there).
But I loved hearing all her plans for her day. It sounds like it is coming together for them and I'm so happy for that!

Well that is all my news right now! Enjoy General Conference this weekend if you can! But if not have a great weekend anyways!

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