Monday, August 21, 2006


Today we went to see the fertility specialist. (I really like that he doesn't sugar coat things with us.) apparently--my problem is all in my head. No really--I don't make enough chemicals from my head to tell my body what to do. Basically (long story short) I don't make the 'follicle' big enough so I don't make babies. (Maybe at times I do...but not on regular schedules.) So what we need to do is get 'drugs' (which is real hormones just shot into me) every cycle. I will be watched fairly closely and then if and when the 'follicles' are big enough I will get another hormone shot to get the 'eggs' going in the right direction. BUT there is a short story here I have to tell. This drug is blamed for the high multiplies running around. Don't worry my doctor has a plan...If there is ONE "ripe" follicle...I will take the shot to make my egg move...If there are 2 to 3 "ripe" is left up to me to decide if I want to take the shot or not...BUT if there are 4 or MORE...I'm not ALLOWED to take the shot. There are too many health risks with 4 or more babies...and our doctor doesn't want anything to do with that. are the numbers we are looking at 1 to 2 follicles Single birth 85%--twins 15%...3 follicles Single birth drops to 65%- twins/triples 35%. Cool numbers huh? And Dr. Cline believes that within 3 cycles (of this medicine) we will have a positive result...and it doesn't have to be one cycle after another...just 3 cycles.
I know you are asking $$$ right? Well--we are waiting on that answer. On our insurance company's website the drug they want to put me on is listed on the list of specialty drugs they pay for. But to make sure the Drug company that will be sending us the drugs is calling and checking with the insurance to be sure (but they think we are fine). If not the drugs are out of pocket and that will be all I'm asking for Christmas. But we should know something by Monday! So--we wait out the week and pray REALLY, REALLY hard...and HOPEFULLY our prays are answered! We know that the blood tests and ultra sounds will be paid for by the insurance. So, keep your fingers crossed! (I would like to have a baby!)
Talking about babies...I got to visit with Marcus and Jackie....and Hold Baby Zachary! He's such a little man! Dang cute! I made them some dinners to stick in their Jackie doesn't have to worry about 4 meals. I thought they could use that more then baby clothes! Babies are just to dang special! Jackie and Marcus enjoy him while he is still 'small'! (If you need a babysitter just let me know!)
Well I have to work the opening shift at I should go now! Have a great week! And remember to cross your fingers for us!


Sarah said...

Good luck!!!! Hopefully yoru insurance will cover the meds and you can get started. Keep me updated!!!

Bewtched said...

Congratulations on the good news. I keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Sorry to hear about the job in VA, but things will work out as they should.