Thursday, March 19, 2009

Just my I can stop thinking...

Have you ever had the feeling that doing good things for others never pays? Or that if you do a kind deed all you get is a kick in the teeth? Lately that is how I feel. I talked my husband into doing a HUGE thing for a person (who I thought was my friend)...and it has totally came back and kicked me in the butt.

I don't really want to go into detail but I now feel since we had to end doing that deed (do to things out of our control) I am now paying for it. It sucks that people aren't what they seem! Totally stabbing you in the back and speak sweetly to your face. I just trust that karma makes it right!

Other than that things are going...not wonderful but going. Making plans for Don's schooling.

Can't wait until my true friend Kelly can make it down here! I'm so dang excited to see her. She makes things clearer for me. I'm glad we are friends! Her crew is coming the first week of April. And than my mom comes the second weekend of May. And I'm SO excited for her to be here. She too makes things clearer for me. Makes me feel like everything will work out the way they should.

Sorry that is wasn't great....but I have to have an outlet for my brain before it explodes. I get a three day weekend...So hopefully I can just chill and make things calm down in my life to make it until my mom gets here!

If we do anything great and wonderful I'll update by Sunday night! Enjoy your weekend and make sure you have fun!

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