Sunday, August 26, 2007

Playing Catch-up

I'm back! My travels were not long enough (sorry Don). I went to my cousin Zach's wedding at the end of July. Getting back Monday July 30th and flew to Indiana on July 31st. I returned home Thursday August 23rd. I will be updating with pictures...I will be doing short blogs so you won't get too bored with all the pictures. If truth be known I would love Don to find a funeral home job up in Indiana so I could be around my friends and family. All the babies are going up so fast it's horrid being so far away and only getting to see pictures. However I'll be going back to Indiana soon for my brother- Stephen's wedding. I'm all excited about that. So the next few months will be busy. We have to find a new apartment because I don't like living in the "hood" anymore! I'll keep you updated on all the happenings in our life! Enjoy the pictures I post over the next couple days!

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