Friday, April 06, 2007

Last Day of Spring Break 2007

As our last day together--we decided to just hang out. Don played for hours in the pool with the kids. Kelly and I got to sit and chat...and Danny just took it easy! I'm so very glad that they got to come and visit, but time when by so fast. After spending the afternoon with them we had to say our good byes. The Zehrings left early Friday morning. I hate saying good makes me cry! I've been very sad today because I know I won't see them for a while and I'm back to square one. Don't get me wrong but I now feel all alone again. Don is a great sport and holds my hand and tries to make it all better. I'm happy that he like my friend and her family enough to spend so much time with them this week. It has been great just spending time with them...and great seeing things through the kids eyes. I hope they enjoyed their trip!

I have included ALOT of pictures from our last day--which is ALL pool/bay side. I hope you enjoy them! Have a wonderful weekend and a very HAPPY EASTER!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Wow! That was a ton of pictures! I really felt like I was there ♥ Glad you had such a great time!