Sunday, June 18, 2006

Just another Sunday

This picture is for Sarah and all those who haven't seen Don's "Bling-Bling on the Grill". He is very proud to smile and "shine". That shouldn't shock anyone that knows him! "Love ya!"

But today is just another Sunday in a very long week. I went back to the doctor to see if we could use more drugs to make a dang baby. Well...My doctor wants to try me on a medicine for a while, but wants me to check out a fertility Doctor to see if it on that I would feel good with. The meds I'm taking are to help with my hormones...And help get my ovaries working right. But the doctor was wise to tell me that they will make me sick...And she was right. I just hope that with this medicine we can make the progress that we need to ... I don't look forward to go through all the test that the fertility doctor will want to do...I have been there done that. And to tell you the truth I am NOT looking forward to it. I give my gratitude to those women that go through years of fertility doctors. It's hell on earth!

But on a brighter note...It's Father's Day. I'm grateful to have such a great father figure in my life. My Grandfather has always been there for us. I'm very lucky he has been part of my life! He has set the standard of men I dated...Not that anyone could be as great and wonderful...But still I had someone to measure them to! No man can cook, clean, do odd jobs, and love his family more! I love you, Grandpa!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Nice... It's hard to see though... guess he better get his whole mouth done!! LOL Thanks again Joyce for talking to me last night!!! :D