Friday, June 02, 2006

Now I understand

I now know why people without life should not have a blog! There is nothing that happens in our lives...So there is nothing ever to post!
I understand with children you have lots to post just no time to do so. The most excitement that happens to me is that Don gets hurt and I sit at Med One for two and a half hours. WOOHOO! We thought he broke his hand at work yesterday (trying to leave, and got his hand "shut" in a slider door). You would think at his age he would know where his hands were at all times...But he hasn't gotten to that stage yet!
And our girl dogs are evil and of the devil. The girl dogs tried to bite the Schwan's man. He must have jumped a good 2 feet. He couldn't have petted Roo (who isn't evil or of the devil). Now you all know that my life is boring when I have to talk about my dogs like they are my children!

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