Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Seeing Rainbows

Yesterday after I posted I had to take the dogs out and get ready to get Don from work. Well I decided since the rain was slowing down and I didn't have a good day--I would keep an open mind about things. (Yes--I called and talked with my mom...that always helps to know that I'm not alone and that she loves me no matter what I do or say--she may not approve but she still loves me! Then I got to talk to my best friend Kelly. She always makes me smile! I don't know what I did before I had Kelly as a friend--she excepts all of me--all my faults--all my dumb ideas. And she still my best friend after I agreed to move away with Don (twice now).)

But--after talking to them I was getting ready for the nasty drive to Don's work and I looked beyond the next apartment complex and there was the brightest rainbow I have EVER seen! I'm not sure that it meant anything, but I took it as a sign that I'll be okay. Deep down I know I'll be fine, but without friends and family close by I feel so alone. I hate that feeling so when anything goes wrong I take it harder than if I was around the people I love. So- that rainbow yesterday (atleast for me) was a sign that no matter what trials I have that I'm not alone here (even when I can't see friends and family are close by).

I did take a few pictures when I was out and about...Nothing great and wonderful...but Here you go! Have a great Weekend!
The top Window is our kitchen window (this is prepainted--which they are doing soon!)

The "theme" on all the Funeral Home's Vans...nice huh?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Bday!!!!!! I was going to send something to you but I couldn't find anything in my price range. Sorry...

Hope your day is great though!!!